velj 2022

Scenography design for music awards - CESARICA

This year we also had the opportunity to participate and make scenography and stage design for the awards  "CESARICA" . With our design, for which we created a complete visual identity - we presented the concept and scenographic design to the client through 3D visualization, and we delivered the final production design by AV and project management on site.

Photos below! ;)

#dizajnscenografije #dizajnrasvjete #eventprodukcija #produkcija #studiodizajn #studiosetup #tvstudiodizajn #scenograf #scenografija #setdizajn #organizazioneeventa #21production #twentyoneproduction #mirohrg #cesarica #dodjelanagrada #lightdesign #scenographydesign

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Projekt u najavi? JEDVA ČEKAMO!
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